
The pseudo-Themistius discourse Πρὸς Οὐάλεντα περὶ τῶν θρησκειῶν (dated XVI sec.) transmitted under the name of Themistius was composed in Latin by Adreas Dudith [†1589], and reverted in Greek by Denis Pétau in 1603 (cf. R. Förster 1900, R. Goulding 2000).

The Paraphrase of the Prior Analytics (CAG XXIII/3), preserved in Greek and transmitted under the name of Themistius is commonly agreed to be spurious; it is attributed to Sophonias (Rose 1867; Walzer 1963).

The Paraphrase of parts of Aristotle’s Parva naturalia (CAG V/6) transmitted under the name of Themistius is also spurious and should be attributed to Sophonias (Wendland 1903). Ermolao Barbaro the Younger translated it into Latin (In librum de insomniis paraphrasis, In librum de divinatione per somnum paraphrasis, In librum de memoria et reminiscentia paraphrasis, and In librum de somno et vigilia paraphrasis): these translations have been printed several times (Todd 2003).

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